Keep Your Body Moving

December 9, 2017

Keep moving and keep your health!

Sitting Will Kill You!

As a matter of fact, studies have showed that lack of keeping your body moving will actually diminish your lifespan! Sedentary lifestyles to a chiropractor are considered self-destructive behavior. So stop acting out and start stepping out! Chiropractors will appreciate it!

Your Body is Amazing!

Your body wants to show you what it can do, but moving it is the only way to ensure its ability to lower your heart rate and blood pressure and to improve joint health and mental function. Dr. Justin Davis asks “Did you know that the human heart beats around 100,000 times per day?”! But when you live a less active lifestyle, your heart is not operating at its best and sedentary function settles the organs and blood cells, diminishing the flushing out of cholesterol and other fatty tissues that can build up and cause all sorts of destructive issues. This 97223 chiropractor often chats with patient about moving more.

Furthermore, it takes the human body 12 hours to completely digest a meal. When you keep your body moving it aides in digestion so that waste is not left behind to build up and cause additional prolonged digestive and function issues.

Additional benefits of physical activity approved by chiropractors are:

-Improved joint health
-Lower resting heart rate
-Improved immune function
-Increased flexibility
-Improved mental function
-Increased muscular strength and endurance
-Better control of body fat
-Higher quality of sleep
-When you don’t keep your body moving:

***Not chiropractor recommended

-Loss of bone density
-Stiffening of joints
-Weakening of muscles
-Weakening of the heart and lungs
-Degeneration of the cellular energy systems

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that physical inactivity constitutes the fourth leading cause of death globally, causing an estimated 3.2 million deaths globally. So stop killing yourself! Get up, get moving, take a walk through a local park, walk the dog, go for hike, swim in the river, ride a bicycle, or do 20 minutes of chiropractor recommended yoga in the comfort of your home.

Dr. Justin Davis encourages all patients of all ages and body types to keep your body moving! Lower your heart rate and blood pressure, and improve joint health and mental function with increasing your average steps per day, moving your muscles in your arms and stretching the body more often throughout the day.

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