Rib Pain and Shoulder Blade Pain

September 27, 2016

Dr. Justin Davis here,

Chiropractor in beautiful Tigard Oregon (especially this time of year with the leaves changing colors, and today I’m giving some information regarding rib pain injuries. If you haven’t heard someone talk about popping out a rib, they are referring to where the upper back meets the ribcage forming a joint. This joint can become locked up, resulting in significant upper back pain and shoulder blade pain in the region. The cause of rib pain can vary significantly, but for many of our Tigard Oregon patients we find that it is often due to a quick unguarded movement or staying in a poor position for a long time. An example would be a quick and violent sneeze or twisting to grab something from falling that causes immediate shoulder pain. Often this upper back pain could be from sitting too long and then getting up too fast, or sleeping in a strange position and waking up with shoulder blade pain. Regardless of the cause, once you are suffering from rib pain you definitely need a Chiropractor to help fix the problem. Below is a video of yours truly, Dr. Justin Davis, reviewing some information regarding rib pain injuries:

The most common

Initial treatment most of the patients we get in our Tigard Oregon office is just letting it rest, which although it may feel okay, usually it ends up causing even more upper back pain in the end. While over the counter medications can help mask the rib pain symptoms, but more than likely a visit to the Chiropractor is necessary. As detailed in the video above, muscle work to calm down the spasm around the shoulder blade pain will initially help. After this then a Chiropractors adjustment to the area can be performed to the area, followed by immediate electrical muscle stimulation. At the end we usually find out Tigard Oregon patients respond well to kinesiotaping over the area of shoulder blade pain. We plan to release further videos revolving around this type of self care that will be done in the near future. Usually takes 1-3 visits before the rib pain and associated shoulder pain is gone. If you are experiencing these types of symptoms, get in to see us immediately. Just look up Chiropractor Dr. Justin Davis at 503-206-4620, located at Elevation Chiropractic in Tigard Oregon. One of the worst things you can do when you have upper back pain, which could very well be a rib injury, is let it sit. Once the muscles and joints get used to the rib pain area then often it will stay at a dull pain temporarily but come back really strong at a later date. -Dr. Justin Davis

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